Injury Prevention

Symmetry on Human Biomechanics Featured Image
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The Influence of Symmetry on Human Biomechanics: A Practical Overview

Defining Symmetry and Biomechanics Symmetry, in the human context, refers to the balance between our body halves, while biomechanics is a field that applies principles of physics to biological systems to understand human movement and interaction with the environment. The Significance of Symmetry in Biomechanics Symmetry plays a pivotal role in human biomechanics, affecting various…

Rade Kozomara standing outdoors, holding two dumbbells with arms stretched above his head.

GOATA: The Game-Changer in Injury Prevention and Athletic Performance

Introduction GOATA (Greatest of All Time Athletes) is a groundbreaking training methodology that aims to reduce the risk of injury and enhance athletic performance by emphasizing natural movement patterns found in elite athletes. This innovative approach focuses on replicating the efficient and fluid motion observed in the world’s top performers, allowing individuals to unlock their…

Rade Kozomara performing push-ups with dumbbells in each hand.

Functional Patterns: A Comprehensive Approach to Human Movement and Performance

Functional Patterns is an innovative training methodology that focuses on improving the quality of life and athletic performance through biomechanically sound movement patterns. This approach has gained popularity for its emphasis on natural human movements, optimal biomechanics, and injury prevention. In this article, we will explore what Functional Patterns are, who it’s for, and how…