Challenging Functional Training: A Closer Look at Motor Learning, Skill Transfer, and the Law of Specificity
Understanding the Law of Specificity
Functional training and sports-specific training have been pillars of modern physical training regimens. However, they’ve also been the subject of scrutiny. Critics point to principles such as motor learning, skill transfer, and the law of specificity to question their effectiveness. But, does this criticism hold up under a comprehensive examination? Let’s take a closer look.
The Law of Specificity posits that training should match the needs of the sport or skill for which an individual is training. This idea suggests that minor differences between the training and application environment could reduce skill transfer. But this doesn’t necessarily nullify the benefits of functional training.
The Debate Around Negative Skill Transfer
Negative skill transfer, where practising a vaguely similar skill can reduce proficiency in the target skill, is often cited by critics. They argue that exercises like Turkish get-ups or box jumps may not necessarily improve performance in sports like Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) or football, and may even lead to decreased performance due to negative skill transfer.
In Defense of Functional and Sports-Specific Training
However, this perspective fails to acknowledge the holistic benefits of functional training. While it’s true that functional training does not typically involve practising the exact movements of a specific sport, it aims to build overall strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. These are essential foundations that enhance overall athletic performance and are not sport-specific.
Moreover, the potential for negative skill transfer may be overstated. It’s possible to carefully design a functional training regimen to minimize this risk and maximize benefits. For instance, certain exercises can be selected or adapted to closely mimic the movements involved in a particular sport, reducing the potential for negative skill transfer.
The Environment’s Role in Skill Transfer
The law of specificity extends to the environment as well. Critics argue that practising in an environment different from the application environment can hinder performance. However, it’s important to note that functional training can adapt to this principle. By carefully crafting the training environment to resemble the sports environment, we can mitigate this risk.
Functional Training and Sports-Specific Training: Beyond Tradition
Yes, functional training and sports-specific training have a rich tradition. But to label them as mere ‘myths’ is to oversimplify. There’s scientific evidence demonstrating the benefits of functional training, especially in improving general physical preparedness, reducing injury risk, and enhancing movement quality.
While it’s important to understand the principles of specificity and skill transfer, it’s equally vital to remember that functional training plays a significant role in laying the foundation for specific skills. By maintaining an open dialogue and continually refining our approaches based on scientific evidence, we can ensure that functional training continues to evolve and effectively serve athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.